2021-04-01 · Galeazzi fracture-dislocation: a new treatment-oriented classification. J Hand Surg Am. 2001; 26(2):228-35 (ISSN: 0363-5023) Rettig ME; Raskin KB. Forty patients with Galeazzi fracture-dislocations were treated with open reduction and internal fixation of the radial shaft fracture.


Die Monteggia-Fraktur ist ein 1813 zuerst von Giovanni Battista Monteggia beschriebener Kombinationsbruch des Unterarmes. Es bricht der körpernahe ( proximale ) Anteil der Elle . Gleichzeitig wird das Speichenköpfchen ausgerenkt, meist nach vorne und vom Körper weg – also nach ventral und lateral , selten nach hinten luxiert .

Schlüsselwörter. Galeazzi-Fraktur. Galeazzi like lesion. modifizierte Klassifikation.

Galeazzi fraktur klassifikation

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Treatment in children and adolescents is usually. A Galeazzi fracture is defined as a fracture of the radius associated with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint. Treatment in children and adolescents is usually. Schlüsselwörter. Galeazzi-Fraktur. Galeazzi like lesion.

Unterarmschaftfraktur - Klassifikation. Monteggia Fraktur. FX prox. Ulna. Sprengung PRUG. Luxation Radiusköpfchen. Galeazzi Fraktur. FX dist. Radiusschaft.

Treatment in children and adolescents is usually. Schlüsselwörter. Galeazzi-Fraktur. Galeazzi like lesion.


Galeazzi fraktur klassifikation


A Galeazzi fracture is defined as a fracture of the radius associated with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint.
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Galeazzi like lesion. modifizierte Klassifikation. Galeazzi Fractures: our Modified Classification … A Galeazzi fracture is defined as a fracture of the radius associated with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint.

Armbågsfraktur; Handledsfraktur; Kontusion; Luxation av armbåge eller handled utan fraktur; Behandling, uppföljning, rehabilitering, prognos och komplikationer 2010-09-21 Klassifikation nach Bado Typ I : Mittlere bis proximale Ulnaschaftfraktur mit palmarer Radiuskopfluxation Typ II : Mittlere bis proximale Ulnaschaftfraktur mit dorsaler Radiuskopfluxation There are several mnemonics for the difference between a Galeazzi and a Monteggia fracture-dislocation: GRIMUS MUGR (pronounced as mugger) FROG.
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OTA classification of radius/ulna : 22-A2.3: Radius/ulna, diaphyseal, simple fracture of radius with dislocation of DRUJ: 22-A3.3: Radius/ulna, diaphyseal, simple fracture of both bones (distal zone radius) with dislocation of DRUJ: 22-B2.3 : radius/ulna, diaphyseal, wedge fracture of radius with dislocation of DRUJ: 22-B3.3

Galeazzi like lesion. modifizierte Klassifikation.

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A Galeazzi fracture is defined as a fracture of the radius associated with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint. Treatment in children and adolescents is usually. Schlüsselwörter. Galeazzi-Fraktur. Galeazzi like lesion. modifizierte Klassifikation. Galeazzi Fractures: our Modified Classification and. Treatment.

Treatment in children and adolescents is usually. Schlüsselwörter. Galeazzi-Fraktur. Galeazzi like lesion. modifizierte Klassifikation.